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Start from the genome.fa and genome.gff3

if you have genome.fa and genome.gff3,you can get the require inputfile for KK4D as follow:

  • genome file:GCF_000816755.2_Araip1.1_genomic.fa
  • genome gff3 file:GCF_000816755.2_Araip1.1_genomic.gff
bash GCF_000816755.2_Araip1.1_genomic.fa GCF_000816755.2_Araip1.1_genomic.gff A.ipaensis .

The files A.ipaensis.cds and A.ipaensis.pep are the input files for KK4D.


Please make sure that the input sequence IDs of cds.fa and protein.fa are the same. Such as: head Ath.protein.fa

>AT3G05780.1 pep chromosome:TAIR10:3:1714941:1719608:-1 gene:AT3G05780 transcript:AT3G05780.1 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding gene_symbol:LON3 description:Lon protease homolog 3, mitochondrial [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q9M9L8]

head Ath.cds.fa

>AT3G05780.1 cds chromosome:TAIR10:3:1714941:1719608:-1 gene:AT3G05780 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding gene_symbol:LON3 description:Lon protease homolog 3, mitochondrial [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q9M9L8]

head Ath.gff3

1       TAIR10  chromosome      1       30427671        .       .       .       ID=chromosome:1;Alias=CP002684.1,Chr1,NC_003070.9
1       araport11       gene    3631    5899    .       +       .       ID=gene:AT1G01010;Name=NAC001;biotype=protein_coding;description=NAC domain-containing protein 1 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot%3BAcc:Q0WV96];gene_id=AT1G01010;logic_name=araport11
1       araport11       mRNA    3631    5899    .       +       .       ID=transcript:AT1G01010.1;Parent=gene:AT1G01010;biotype=protein_coding;transcript_id=AT1G01010.1
1       araport11       five_prime_UTR  3631    3759    .       +       .       Parent=transcript:AT1G01010.1
1       araport11       exon    3631    3913    .       +       .       Parent=transcript:AT1G01010.1;Name=AT1G01010.1.exon1;constitutive=1;ensembl_end_phase=1;ensembl_phase=-1;exon_id=AT1G01010.1.exon1;rank=1
1       araport11       CDS     3760    3913    .       +       0       ID=CDS:AT1G01010.1;Parent=transcript:AT1G01010.1;protein_id=AT1G01010.1
1       araport11       exon    3996    4276    .       +       .       Parent=transcript:AT1G01010.1;Name=AT1G01010.1.exon2;constitutive=1;ensembl_end_phase=0;ensembl_phase=1;exon_id=AT1G01010.1.exon2;rank=2
1       araport11       CDS     3996    4276    .       +       2       ID=CDS:AT1G01010.1;Parent=transcript:AT1G01010.1;protein_id=AT1G01010.1

In this example,the cds and protein IDs is "AT3G05780.1",so we must be set the "key" and "type" in config.ini. "key" should be set is "transcript_id" and "type" should be set is "mRNA". If this example,if the "key" is set to "ID", then the output IDs of Ath.bed will be "transcript:AT1G01010.1" is different with the protein.fa and cds.fa IDs "AT1G01010.1".So this will course Error.

Before each script is run, it will check whether the output file of the previous step exists. So if the output bed format is incorrect, you can manually adjust it and still rename it to the name of the program output. Then run subsequent commands. If the latter step fails, be sure to delete the failed file. If your input sequence contains scaffold, and the ID prefix of the chromosome is the same as that of scaffold, the number of chromosomes may not be correctly resolved when drawing collinearity.

Require input file

Prepare Input file(can be normal or *.gz)

  • genome.gff3
  • genome.pep.fa
  • genome.cds.fa

if you don’t have protein or cds file,you can use gffread extract protein and cds sequence from genome and gff3 file. I wrote the python3 script "" to get the longest transcript sequence for each gene protein or cds sequence.